Monday, 24 October 2016

Responding to feedback

I woke at 8am. I felt tired and I was frustrated but got up just  in time to begin our trip to Picton. This will be the perfect day.

When we got to Picton we had to park outside a building. Then we went inside the building and waited for something to move on the ferry. We had to line up and wait a long time.

While we waited we had a look at the boats and  we saw a starfish.
Then finally it was time to drive onto the inter island ferry. Once on the ferry we had to drive into a park then we hopped out and went upstairs and there was cafe and lots of other things.

When we arrived in Wellington  we went to our cousins,  they are family. We knocked on the door but no one answered the door. Then we knocked on the door again, no answer so we opened the door and we went in the house.

Then we went to the hospital. The hospital was quiet. I good hear the my feet stomping as we walked to Mum’s room. She didn’t know we were there but  she was happy to see us. She gave us all a big hug.
After that we went back to our cousins.

It was the perfect day.